How can you tell a client poses a risk?

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Before we start it's worth looking at how you can tell a client poses a risk to you or others? The quick answer to this is that you can't. Bloodborne pathogens, viruses, bacteria and other problems are not usually visible to the naked eye and you cannot by looking at someone tell if they pose a risk so we have a basic policy that we always follow. Treat everyone and every item that could come into contact with bodily fluids as a potential risk and protect yourself.

You should carry out a mini risk assessment every time you start a job as every person and procedure will be a little different and additional risks may be posted. Depending on what you are doing you may need to use disposable seat covers or if there is a risk of bodily fluids splashing, you may need to wear eye and face protection.

You can sometimes get information from client medical question sheets but this is only useful if you ask the right questions and the client gives you an honest answer. It will give you good background information on their health which you could use.

One thing that could be seen on someone is a skin disease. It may be that this affects the treatment you can give but it may also pose a health risk to you or make their problem worse.