Use of gloves tattoo infection control

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Now if you work in a tattoo parlour or you are involved in tattooing, you will know quite a lot about gloves. So what we are gonna cover in this module is just a little bit about the gloves, also how to put them on and take them off, and then dispose of them. Now there are lots of different types of gloves available. These ones here are black nitrile glove, but there's also lots of different colours, they have blue, purple, and other colours there.
There are also other materials like vinyl gloves. The problem is with vinyl a glove, if you are working in the tattoo industry they are pretty much useless because they're not gonna grip onto your hands, you are not gonna have the grip to physically do your work, and that can be very, very difficult, and also, they tear very, very easily. Now another group can be latex gloves. Latex gloves are, again, not used that often because there's potential for allergy with them.
Now these gloves here are what they call a powder-free. So when you look inside there is no white powder. Now some gloves you will find will have the white power. White powder in there will help to get the glove on and off, and it tries to keep you hand a little bit dryer because when you are wearing these gloves, you will start to get very, very hot. So some people will have powder on. Some people will have an allergy to the powder. So it is worth if you are trying these gloves for the first time, if you do start getting itchy fingers or any redness on your hands, then maybe switch to an unpowdered one.
The first thing to do with checking the gloves, you just make sure there are no actual holes in them. So what you can do with that is just open them up, trap some air into them, and then just squeeze them just to see if the air stays in the glove. Physically look at them to see whether there are any problems. Most of the time, you will have no trouble, but very occasionally you will find during the manufacturing process something has happened and maybe there's a cut across them or they are missing a thumb or something like that. So just make sure that they are intact. The other thing is making sure you look at your hands. If you have got a band ring like that, it is normally not a problem, but if you got a sharper ring, it might be worth taking that ring off because once you start putting the gloves on, the ring is gonna then puncture through the glove.
So once you know that the glove is all okay, then pop your hand into the glove. It does not matter which glove you put on which hand, they both work exactly the same. So pull the glove on. Just make sure your thumb and fingers are fully into it, pull it around on the cuff, so that you have covered every part of your hand. Take the second glove, pull that on as well. Again, make sure it is fully in place. You can push the gloves on with your fingers just to make sure they are in place. Now you have got the gloves on, you can do your job, or if you are just cleaning stuff up or anything where there is any potential for an infectious fluid or bodily fluid or anything you could get any problem with, always put your gloves on.
Key rules with gloves: We would use different gloves between different patients. So you would not wanna have the one pair of gloves on and treat patient A, and then go in and do something with patient B. So you need to keep putting new gloves on all the time. You will find you will want to do that because your hands will get quite hot within the gloves. But if you are only working on one patient, you can wear the same pair of gloves. Then when you clear up some mess, you need to clear up anything that has spilt on the floor, again, you can put gloves on.
Now, just as important as getting the gloves and making sure they are on and they are not damaged is taking them off. So the easy ways of taking them off, if you take the glove and just pinch it on the outside, and just turn it inside out. Once you have done that, just hold that up into your hand and then you can pop your finger on the outside here, turn the glove inside out. Now, all of the potentially infectious sides are now inside the glove. So you can now dispose of that in your hazardous waste bag, and then dispose of that bag correctly according to your workplace policies and procedures.